A Letter to Me

Dear abbiie,

Yank ga tau knp niy aku pengen nulis email ke kamu:),,I dont know how to started,,but my lips is tend to say I love u on and on and on and can't stop heheheh:D. Yeaah, I'm so in love with you hun!I don't know when,I don't know why, I don't know how, suddenly I feel so in love and feel u are the one for me:x:x:x:).

Maybe its too early to say that I believe that u were born for me ahhahaha *agak lebay dikit* but that is what I feel. Million compliment that I want to let u know,,why I believe in you are the one for me..but if I wrote down here is not enough heheheh :D *ngeles dikit,,padahal siy males ngetik*

Yank satu pintaku,,jangan sakitin aku yah,,jangan maenin perasaan ku,,karena aku trully, deeply do love you (baca: yaaa so much love you-aku-bener bener-sayang-kamu). Y'know what? I'll keep my heart for yours only hun:*)
Huhuhu aku kangeeeeeen kamu sayaaaang..besok ketemuan yah:D

wiwin sayang adjie

Hug n Kiss
Your girl :)


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23 to 24 | m | jkt | in a relationship with my lovely WSRG | suka ketawa | kadang suka sensi | big passion of IMC